Monthly Circles Starting January 25th 2025 1pm - 5.30pm
The Sacred Dryad Journey has developed naturally out of our beautiful Tree Spirit Course, which we have followed personally for many years and shared with groups for a few years. This has been incredibly rewarding and has brought about many questions and ideas, and a desire for even deeper connection.
Each circle will include the teachings and connection through the year with the ancient tree calendar. In addition there will be other work including crafting ogham's for each dryad spirit, tree medicine, direct encounters with living dryads, shamanic healing work and inspired experiments!
Some time may be spend out in various local woodlands connecting with the Dryad energy of the trees at each turning of the wheel of the year.
You are welcome whether you have been a participant in a previous Tree Spirit Circle or not.
This is a true and honest journey of personal growth and transformation, as well as a broad education in Shamanic ways and nature spirits. You will learn techniques for helping yourself, others and Nature, and create some beautiful items. We will also keep a personal journal for the year, which will build into a reference book for years to come.
You will be introduced to the Ogham which is the tree alphabet of the ancient Irish druids, each letter of the Ogham alphabet epitomises a deep meditation on the energy and wisdom of a tree. Each letter can connect you to very special natural-based state of consciousness. During your journey you will begin crafting a personal set of Ogham sticks creating the beginnings of a set of magical tools to deepen your understanding of, and connection to, each tree.
This a journey full of magic, wonder and healing. You will learn not only the magic of trees but how they intertwine with the Universe, how we can work with them and what amazing sources of information, inspiration, healing and guidance.
Your work will continue in solitude at home, this will include a personal ritual at the new and full moon – until we gather to share our experiences at our next meeting.
Venue - The Labyrinth, Denby Dale
Each circle runs from 1pm until approximately 5.30pm
An investment of £35 per circle secures your place.
All our outdoor work will be in various local woodlands, so there will be walking and weather involved!
You will need to bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear to each of the eight circles and a packed lunch each day, however there are a selection of cafes close by which also offers a large selection of vegetarian and vegan meals.
For further information or to secure your place contact us using our details below:-
Email - shee_shee1@aol.co.uk Phone – 07834466184