Next circle - January 2025 - date to be confirmed
Saturday 21st December 2025 2pm onwards
Winter Solstice, the time of longest night, of walking softly upon the land. The time where old gives way to the new. The time of calling in the golden glow of hope, of being in remembrance, prayer, and gratitude. Join us.
During this purification ceremony we will weave together sacred teachings, along with the elements and energies of this land and this time.
On December 21st, the day of the Winter Solstice, we will gather together at 2pm. The gathering will include Celtic Winter Solstice teachings, as well as a sacred fire, a warming fire, and after the Sweat there will be a cup of homemade Earth or Fire Soup with fresh bread to ground and warm you after the sacred ceremony.
Be sure to dress for the weather!
Suggested minimum donation of £55 is required to participate but space is limited so pre-registration is required. Should cancellations occur, there will be a Waiting List for space availability.
Email shee_shee1@aol.co.uk for full details and to register or be included on a waiting list.
December 15th 2025 1pm - 5.30pm
Our Shamanic Empowerment Circles gather each month using shamanic techniques such as Guided Meditations, Journeying, Drumming, Crafting, Shamanic Breathwork, Fire Ceremonies, Sound and Movement, we will weave together the threads of various energies, giving you the opportunity to experience a new theme at each circle.
Below are a few of the themes that we aim to cover at future circles:-
Shamanic Empowerment Healings
Pipe Ceremony and Earth Healing Day
Past Life Healings
Death, Dying and Transition (Psycopomp)
Trance Dance
Shamanic Art
A Day with the Fae
Weaving our Dreams - Dream Catcher Day
Connecting with Tree Spirits
Shamanic Healing Canoe
Pipe Ceremony and Earth Healing Day
Candle Magic
Ceremony and Ritual
.....and many more!
Each afternoon starts at 1pm and we aim to finish by 5.30pm dependent on the theme of the day.
All Welcome!
You will need to bring a journal and pen, blanket for journeying and bottled water for use in work space. Tea and Coffee are provided.
Cost- £35
Booking is essential as places will be limited.
THE SHAMANIC JOURNEY - An Introduction to Shamanism
Dates for 2025 to be confirmed soon.
This weekend workshop will cover the background to shamanism and its potential for balance, growth and healing in our lives. The workshop will include practical explorations of the shamanic journey and ways to enter shamanic reality, while also teaching ways to connect with the power animals, spirit guides, healers and teachers that walk with you. We will also experience the power of the drum and the use of smudge for spiritually cleansing your aura and your home.
During the weekend you will have time to explore serenity, wisdom and compassion through Shamanic Empowerment techniques and mindfulness in a supportive environment. The main emphasis is upon developing a deeper connection with our true self. There are so many people searching for a way to reclaim their happiness. The Shaman’s Path awakens your gift to be a catalyst of change.
Whether your goal is personal growth, healing and self-development, understanding your own divinity, learning the wisdom of the Shamanic World View, joyful attainment of your dreams, greater understanding of your life’s direction, or being a healing presence in the world, those who choose to walk this path with us will experience profound transformation and a renewed sense of purpose.
Cost £120 per person
Please email us to book your place and for information of payment methods.
Please bring a blanket, journal and pen, bottled water for use in workspace, Packed Lunch.
You are welcome to bring along Shamanic Drums/ Rattles.
This 1 day workshop gives you the opportunity to connect with your unique Faerie Guide, and gain an understanding of what parts of this world of unseen beings are hungry for us to work in closer co-operation for our future.
*You will be guided to look at exactly what area you want help with if you are appealing to your Faerie for assistance.
◦ Meeting with the Nature Spirits who are caretakers of the land of your home and seeking guidance from them in how we can help to restore the balance.
Have you ever taken a walk in the woods and felt like you were not alone? That’s because you weren’t! Forests, lakes, mountains, caves—even your garden—are alive with the spirits of nature. Faeries are real, and you can learn to commune with a whole world of unseen beings, including elves, dryads, and nature spirits. With an open mind and a little patience, you can begin to recognize their presence all around you. This 1 day workshop will help you deepen your connection to the natural world as you explore the magical, mystical world of the faerie folk.
Cost £80 per person
A deposit of £20 is required to secure your place as the numbers are strictly limited.
Please email us on shee_shee1@aol.co.uk to book your place and for information of payment methods.
Please bring a packed lunch, blanket for your comfort during meditations, journal and pen, bottled water for use in workspace.
Tea, Coffee and light refreshments provided.
You are welcome to bring along Shamanic Drums/ Rattles.
PRAYER ARROW AND DEDICATION CEREMONY - New dates for 2025 coming son!
A prayer arrow is a physical manifestation of the visions, guidance, and dreams you wish to come into your life. It is something you craft with your own hands imbuing it with your heart and soul. No two arrows have ever been alike, so let your imagination fly free in it’s creation. Our intentions are wrapped around our Prayer Arrow, this could be a goal, passion, or offering of gratitude, for ourselves, for others, or for humanity.
The day will include elements of Shamanic work and end with a dedication ceremony and drumming! (Please bring drum / rattle if you have them but we have spares for those without)
Taken from the indigenous traditions of Mexico, we describe the act of making our arrows as “a direct communication of heart and spirit, conveyed to the higher powers of Nature.” In other words, a straight-up tool for magical manifestation – and just perfect for the days right before the summer festival of Litha/ Summer Solstice!
The cost of this 1 day workshop is £80 per person which includes all materials.
A deposit of £20 is required to secure your place as the numbers are strictly limited.
Please email us to book your place and for information of payment methods shee_shee1@aol.co.uk
Please bring a journal and pen to write your intention, this is important as you may wish to reflect on this at a later date
If you wish to bring your own stick of wood, please make sure it is as straight as possible, ranging in length from 12” up to 24” (no longer please).
Packed Lunch.
Tea and Coffee provided.
CANDLE MAGIC WORKSHOP - New dates for 2025 coming soon!
★ Manifesting With Candle Magic ★
Attract more of what you want with practical candle magic!
Financial Prosperity
Friendship and Loving Relationships
Confidence and Success
Peace and Tranquillity
Health and Wellbeing
Manifesting with Candle Magic is a workshop designed to teach you how to use the power of colour, plant energies and your thoughts to achieve your goals and manifest your desires.
Candle magic harnesses the power of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit), and helps you release clear intentions to the Universe so you can attract what you want in life. It’s a simple, effective form of folk magic that’s been used throughout the world for centuries.
In this workshop you’ll learn how to create your own magic candle made specifically for your needs that you can burn at home.
You’ll learn how to choose the right colour of candle, what symbols to carve into it, and what oils and herbs to anoint the candle with in order to achieve your goals. You’ll also learn how to create sacred space at home for your candle magic ritual and what to do after you burn your candle to ensure you get results.
Along with your prepared candle, you’ll also receive handouts outlining the steps we covered in class, candle colour correspondences, and spell timing so you can create your own magic at home.
Candle Magic and Manifestation is a physical manifestation of your, visions, dreams and goals that you wish to attract into your life. Our intentions are placed within the candle during a simple ritual/ ceremony, these intentions could be for ourselves, for others or for humanity.
This fun but meaningful event will be led by Rick and Sheila Blackwell, who are Shamanic Practitioners and founders of Spirit of the Sacred Drum. Join us as we bring years of practical energy and shamanic work together in this fun, purposeful workshop.
This workshop is just £35 and includes all materials.
New dates for 2025 coming soon!
If you would like to learn more about the Tarot, the story and journey of 'The Fool' & how to read them and interpret them.. but also how to use them psychically, then do come along and enjoy this fun, fascinating, interactive day with us!
This workshop is suitable for complete beginners
On this 2 day divination workshop we will be working with the Tarot, we will be using the shamanic journey to gain further insight and clarity into the cards that are dealt to us. We will explain the basic's of the world of the Tarot and the structure of the decks. Participants will be able to learn about each of the cards and their basic meanings, we will show you the basics of how to read a 5 card spread and by the end of the weekend you will be encouraged to pair up and use your newfound knowledge of the Tarot to interpret a 5 card spread for each other. There will be handouts to take home for you to continue your progress and for you to practice on family and friends!
Those with existing decks are encouraged to bring their own for better comparison and understanding. The Rider-Waite tarot deck (originally published 1910) is one of the most popular tarot decks in use today in the English-speaking world and is an excellent deck to start your journey into the Tarot.
The cost of this 2 day workshop is £120 per person
A deposit of £20 is required to secure your place as the numbers are strictly limited.
Please email us to book your place and for information of payment methods shee_shee1@aol.co.uk
Please bring a blanket, journal and pen, bottled water for use in workspace.
Packed Lunch.
Tea and Coffee provided.
Email us at shee_shee1@aol.co.uk to reserve your place as space as limited. We hope to see you there!
Movement Medicine
New dates for 2025 coming soon!
We invite you to join us on this Movement Medicine Journey
ALL WELCOME, it's an OPEN ongoing group...
This movement mediation uses music, rhythm, trance dance and breath to take you on a journey deep inside, moving beyond the thinking mind and into your body. Releasing stuck energy and letting go of any unwanted emotional baggage, rising up to ecstatic bliss to your true self followed by relaxing into stillness.
*There will be an initial spoken introduction to the Theme of the evening and a brief group Soul Sharing Circle…
*Then we warm up our bodies, awaken our senses, shaking free and empowering the Life Force in us, work with our breath and energetic connections to the themed Intention of the evening.
*Then we enter more fully into the Movement Medicine Journey.
*Towards the end you will be invited to lie down and receive the beat of the Shamanic Soul Medicine Drum…
*Then we will close by gathering in a circle for a brief group Soul Sharing Circle ...
The Essence of Movement Medicine..
Each month we shall Dance around and within a theme, so it becomes us, so we feel the power and embodiment of recovering yet another facet of the beautiful Souls that we are.
We invite you to join us on this Movement Medicine Journey
(Bring water & comfortable clothes to dance in).
Love and Harmony
Sheila & Rick
There was a time when mankind was primitive, a time when the sun was an object of worship and human beings were in sync with the earth. In these ancient days, the indigenous people didn't only use language or drawings to express themselves - they used dance. The old, shamanic ritual of uninhibited movement as a means to heal and energize rears its modern day as 'Shamanic Soul Dance' and is not to be underestimated.
Shamanic Soul-Dance is a deeply healing dance practice. It's a form of nourishment for your true self - for your soul. Moving freely (no 'set steps') to music created to resonate with your soul, you are guided into your own inner dance of release and re-connection. It offers a special kind of liberation - people say it feels like "coming home".
This movement mediation uses music, rhythm, trance dance and breath to take you on a journey deep inside, moving beyond the thinking mind and into your body. Releasing stuck energy and letting go of any unwanted emotional baggage, rising up to ecstatic bliss to your true self followed by relaxing into stillness.
Email us on shee_shee1@aol.co.uk for further information or for payment details.