Rick and Sheila Blackwell
Spirit of the Sacred Drum
Welcome! We thank Great Spirit for leading you to our Web-site and we trust and hope that you will be inspired to continue and move forward on your spiritual journey.
Our own spiritual path began many years ago when we would attend local pagan groups in and around Yorkshire. These would typically be attended by people from all walks of life and spiritual paths. We found these to be enlightening, inspirational and informative and it was here, at one of these events that we were first introduced to the 'Shamanic Path'. After attending Journeying Circles and Shamanic Empowerment weekends, we made a decision to look at this at a deeper level and there was for both of us , as we recall, a profound sense of 'coming home'. A feeling of connecting with something primal, universal and all embracing and that something had changed within us.

We went on to study Shamanic Practices at 'The Warrior in the Heart Foundation' in Glastonbury which turned out to be a life changing experience for both of us. Along the way we consider ourselves blessed to have met some beautiful and like minded souls who continue to inspire us in our quest to help others. Our journey has given us a greater understanding of our place in nature and connection to all things. This journey continues daily with the knowledge that we all continue to learn and develop. We trust in our Spirit Guides and in a benevolent Universe and in the wisdom and guidance we receive for the greater good of all.
"Seek wisdom not knowledge, knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future"
'Native American Wisdom'
Through Spirit of the Sacred Drum you can access workshops which incorporate basic introductions into core Shamanism and moving into deeper aspects of the Path, focussing on energy work, personal empowerment and spiritual development. Our monthly Journeying and Drumming Circles provide an ideal opportunity for those seeking spiritual and self-development within a safe and friendly environment. In addition we facilitate Shamanic rituals to celebrate the Equinoxes and Solstices which are held in places of nature. These rituals and ceremonies raise energy for the Global Medicine Wheel to raise healing energies for Mother Earth and all creation. Our services also including one to one or group healings, spiritual counselling, space clearing and bespoke handfastings.
As course facilitators we also offer Shamanic Empowerment retreats for those wishing to work at a deeper level, focussing on Shadow Work and Emotional Therapy.

Drumming to the rhythm of a 'Babbling Brook'.
Under our favourite Hawthorne Tree.