A journey into the shadow aspects of the chakras
Starts - New Intake in 2025
This is a nine month advanced training, previous experience in Shamanic Journeying and good connection with your guides is required.
This training is held over eight non residential gatherings throughout the year.
We will journey deep into each of our seven sacred energy centres (chakra's) seeking to illuminate and embrace the shadows within.
During your training you will be given an opportunity to turn the light inward so we may expand our inner vision and draw together those disowned parts of ourselves and bring them into full focus.
The only thing that stands between us accepting and living in harmony and grace with the Light and Dark essences of our being is the Shadow of our Dark Essence.
Let us move into that Dark Shadow part of ourselves together, seeking this place of potential wonder, magic and power.
Our shadow is everything inside us that we have disowned, avoided and kept in the dark. It is where our life-force gets trapped and is no longer available to us.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung
Mask making, enjoy the experience of making, painting and decorating your mask to acknowledge both sides of your nature
Creating a 'Shadow' mask can be a very empowering process…one that allows and encourages you to look deep within, at the REAL you. To strip away the outer mask, and reveal the real person within. Most of us have spent our entire lives carefully constructing the mask we present to the world.
During our year together you will spend time revealing the hidden you. Discovering your authentic self is about finding your personal power, your heart power, so that you can walk in balance upon the earth.
We will then bring our masks alive and give them voice through ritual and ceremony.
A completed Application Form is required for this course.
A deposit is required to secure your place as numbers are strictly limited
Call 07834466184 email: shee_shee1@aol.co.uk
Looking forward to your presence!!
Rick and Sheila x